Women of Height Inc. 501-(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Mission & Purpose 

Women of Height Inc. is a non-profit organization formed to unite women of faith, together with other likeminded and driven entrepreneurs striving for success.

Visionaries and trailblazers alike are often far ahead of the rest. We believe this gift is a blessing and one to be encouraged.

Many women with such gifts as these, tend to feel a little anxious, misunderstood and sometimes without hope when the intended goal is not met

We understand the frustration and believe that joining forces with others whom may have experienced the same emotions.

We can

serve as consultants and mentors. Providing a positive outcome for you and your business. 

Aspiration, dedication, motivation and inspiration. Encouraging others to live their best life comes with networking. Women of Height Inc. believes bridging all business owners of economic levels together. Taking your business to the next level may actually come from the hand of the least likely person in your circle. Everyone, no matter what level they may be on, is moment is important. A positive spirit through out your journey is imperative. Understanding that trials are placed in your path to strengthen you. "I believe our lives are preordained. There are no mistakes. The dreams and thoughts incurred are not by happenstance. God has placed them there and we must travel the path he has already placed before us. Love your journey!" Rae Ashe- President Women of Height Inc.

Who We Are

**We are accepting face masks for the entire family. Reusable and disposable ones.

Now, that there may be an alert issued for people to wear two due to several variants. We want to help out families in need.

Please contact us for drop off locations.

'Everything Drive' this year. With all of the recent devastation caused by hurricanes. The Women of Height Inc. organization will be collecting donations of clothing for women, men and children, non perishables, items for the home and  more.

We will provide donation information on our website.

We ask that all integrity be checked on items before donating.

Drop off locations will be in New Jersey and New York. Addresses will be posted via website and social media sites. 

A link will be provided for monetary donations.

There will be no desired amount listed.

Latest News
About Us

If you would like to join our organization or attend a Women of Height Inc. event? Contact: womenofheightorg@gmail.com 

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"Journey Into Dreams" Tour

Our next mission involves successful entrepreneurs giving advice, business tools, structure, with guidance and knowledge of what it takes to become successful leaders. 

Our first visit will be in Atlanta, Georgia.

Knowledge is power. Networking is just as powerful. More event information will be available soon. 


Join our organization.





*Additional information will be provided upon thoroughly confirming with the city or it's website. 

Please visit https://essexcounty.org for immediate assistance. Also provided in the county logo above.

Covid Testing Sites, Vaccination and Registration Information for some Essex County Residents

United Healthcare introduces new plan for individuals 65 years old and older. Please hit the link to visit site.

*To apply for healthcare coverage in New Jersey and other state resources. Please hit the link to visit the website for immediate assistance and information. 

If you are over 65 years of age, disabled, retired veteran or an essential worker? Please contact the link below for more information of resources offered in New Jersey. For all other states, please click the Affordable Housing Image.


Click the Affordable Housing Link for Union County Housing program information and assistance.

PH: 888-691-3002

Email: info@housinghelpnj.org

There's help for you. Please click the image to the left for assistance in grief counseling, and suicide prevention. For immediate help? Please dial 911.